Pores and Contained Fluids in Conventional Reservoirs

FE-SEM Image of Angular Pores in a Middle Bakken Core

(From Anton Padin : PhD Thesis, Petroleum Engineering Dept, CSM, 2016)
Centrifuge Measurement in a Bakken Core

(From Somayeh Karimi: PhD Thesis, Petroleum Engineering Dept, CSM, 2017)
Geo-cellular Model of a Unconventional DJ Basin Reservoir

(From Yanrui Ning: PhD Thesis, Petroleum Engineering Dept, CSM, 2017)
Flow and Rock Deformation in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

(From Erdinc Eker: RCP, CSM, 2016)
Multiphase Rate Transient Analysis

(From Ilkay Eker: SPE 171657-PA , Petroleum Engineering Dept, CSM, 2016)
Berea Sandstone, 119 md, Brine

Surfactant-Brine-Oil Phase Behavior

(From Mehdi Izadi Kamouei: PhD Thesis, Petroleum Engineering Dept, CSM, 2015)
Delhi Field Continuous CO2 EOR

(From Tingting Chen: RCP, CSM)
Analysis of bakken formation from different sources and scales of measurements

(From Basak Kurtoglu: PhD Thesis, Petroleum Engineering Dept, CSM, 2013)
An outcrop of a tensleep sandstone and madison dolomite in wyoming’s alcova reservoir

eight-foot butted sandstone core after micellar flooding

(Marathon Technology Center, 1976)
single and two-component phase diagrams

composition grading

Undersaturated GOC versus Saturated GOC (Danesh, 1998)
multilevel fracture network modeling of naturally fractured reservoirs
Rendering of water phase movement in a dual mesh simulation of a dual porosity system.
Left – Saturation distribution in the bottom layer; Right – Saturation front (iso-surface) with streamlines
From SPE 93053: H. Kazemi, S. Atan, M. Al-Matrook, J. Dreier, E. Ozkan, Colorado School of Mines
a snapshot of pressure and water front movement for an injection well depicting different scales of response

From Safian Atan: PhD Thesis, Petroleum Engineering Dept, CSM, April 2007
idealization of hydraulic fracture stimulation in a horizontal well to create interconnected dilation fractures

From SPE 108110: F. Medeiros, SPE, Petrobras, E. Ozkan and H. Kazemi, SPE, Colorado School of Mines
transient productivity index for a gas horizontal well with longitudinal hydraulic fracture and localized natural fractures network

From SPE 108110: F. Medeiros, SPE, Petrobras, E. Ozkan and H. Kazemi, SPE, Colorado School of Mines
dual-mesh methods to capture the fine-scale heterogeneity effects in displacement processes and multilevel fractured modeling of naturally fractured reservoirs

Multilevel naturally fractured system, based on Araujo. et al., SPE 91940

Coarse mesh / fine mesh superposed on fracture matrix network
numerical simulation of steam assisted gravity drainage

Heated chamber growth at the toe of the horizontal well in ~60 days from onset of steam injection
dual-mesh compositional simulation of reservoir heterogeneity

3 Phase flow Simulation of a volatile-oil system with gas and water Injectors (50x30x7 Reservoir Grid System)